Picking the Perfect Mother’s Day Gift
Mother’s Day is right around the corner. Do you know what you are going to give your mother this year? As someone who has worked in retail for many years, I have had the opportunity to help many people buy just the right gift for their mothers. Here are some tips to help you pick out the perfect Mother’s Day gift.
Giving Flowers for Mother’s Day
Flowers are always a nice gift for any woman and are especially nice on Mother’s Day. Flowers brighten a room and fill it with their fragrance. A favorite flower can also bring back special memories. Do you know what your mother’s favorite flower is? Do you know what color she prefers? Do you know why she likes a certain flower best? If it is the thought that counts, make sure you put some thought into giving flowers.
Giving Perfume and Lotion for Mother’s Day
Having worked in the fragrance department of a well-known retail chain, I can tell you there are many lotions and perfumes out there to choose from! Mother’s Day was always our busiest time of the year, even busier than Christmas. A nice perfume or body lotion in your mother’s favorite scent is usually very appreciated, especially when the economy is bad and your mother may not be splurging on herself. Before you buy, make sure your mother hasn’t changed her favorite fragrance in the past year. Some women prefer a lighter fragrance in the spring and summer and a heavier scent in the winter. Do you know what your mother’s favorite fragrance is today? Do you know if she changes her perfume preference from summer to winter?
Giving Candy for Mother’s Day
I am not a fan of giving candy for Mother’s day. For one thing, candy is rarely good for a woman’s figure. For another, it can be pretty impersonal unless your mother has a huge passion for a particular sweet. Candy is not very personal, but it is better than nothing.
Giving Jewelry for Mother’s Day
This may come as a surprise, but giving jewelry for Mother’s Day is just a notch above giving candy for Mother’s Day in my estimation. The exception is if you see a piece of jewelry that really reminds you of your mother. Does she love butterflies, hummingbirds, horses, or penguins? A nice pin or charm of something you know your mother loves would make a lovely gift. Before you buy, find out if she prefers gold or silver, what her birthstone is and what other stones she might also like.
Give the Gift of Pampering for Mother’s Day
Your mother might really appreciate a day or at least a couple of hours at the spa being pampered: manicures, pedicures, a facial, and a massage. However, find out what she likes first. I once won a facial at the store where I worked and I never claimed it. Some of us are just not spa people!
Give the Gift of Your Time for Mother’s Day
The one thing that most mother’s really want is a little more quality time with their children. If you take the time to ask your mother questions about her favorite flowers and why she likes those flowers best, that will probably mean more to her than the bouquet. Spend some quality time with your mother on Mother’s Day — that’s what she really wants! And don’t forget to buy a Mother’s Day card that has a meaningful sentiment written inside, preferably by YOU! This will help insure you both have a Happy Mother’s Day!