The time & date in Clark, Philippines is


Will the location be convenient for family and friends to visit? As your loved one needs additional care and support, you will probably wish to visit more frequently.
Is the area of town the community is in safe and free of crime?
Are there shopping centers and entertainment opportunities nearby?
Is there a nearby hospital?
Is there a physician that makes rounds onsite? If not, how far away is it to a physicianโ€™s office?
Physical Plant
Does the community seem clean and wellmaintained?
Is the community free from odors?
Is the community handicap-accessible (doorways, sidewalks, hallways, and rooms)?
Are there features like handrails in the hallways and elevators if the community has more than one floor?
Are there handrails in the bathrooms? Is there a walkin shower? Is there room for a wheelchair?
How far is the walk from apartments to the common areas such as the dining room and activities areas?
Is there a 24hour emergency response system? Ask to see it and be sure it is accessible in the bathroom as well as the main living and bedroom areas of the apartment.
Are there smoke alarms and sprinklers in the apartment and throughout the community? Are residents allowed to decorate their apartment as they like including hanging pictures on walls?
Are exterior doors kept locked during the daytime hours? In the evenings?
Personal Care & Assistance
Is there a nurse onsite 24/7? Or is there a nurse on call 24/7? What are their credentials?
What specific services are included in the monthly fee? Are there additional level of care charges? What services are not included?
What type of credentials do their caregivers have and what kind training do they receive?
Are residents allowed to age in place? If not, at what point are they required to move to a higher level of care?
If residents are allowed to age in place, what services are available when they need additional care?
Are there any programs in place to help with residents who might wander?
Is staff available to help with ADLs (activities of daily living) 24hours a day?

Does staff assist a resident in taking medications? Is there an additional fee for this? If they are able to, are residents allowed to administer their own medications? What is the process for handling medical emergencies?
Are housekeeping and laundry services included in the monthly fee? If not, how much are residents charged for these services?
Program Services
Are there planned activities that allow residents the chance to socialize while recognizing they may have limited mobility and physical challenges?
Are events and activities planned for evenings and weekends too?
Are there intergenerational events planned with local schools, scout troops, and youth organizations?
Are there additional fees to participate in daily programs?
Are there planned outings to entertainment complexes and events in the community on a weekly basis? Is the transportation that takes residents on outings handicapped accessible?
Dining Services
Are all three meals included in the monthly fee?
Are beverages and healthy snacks available all day long?
Does a dietician help in menu planning?
Does the dining room and kitchen look and smell clean?
Are tables and chairs clean and in good repair?
Can the community accommodate special dietary needs?
Is the dining room easily accessible to those with wheelchairs?
Are there staff members available to help escort residents to the dining room at meal time?
Observe a meal and note if there is additional staff to help accommodate the increased physical needs assisted living residents sometimes require.
Talk With Current Residents & Family Members
Introduce yourself to family members you see arriving and departing as you tour. Ask them how long their loved one has lived there? What do they like and dislike about the community?
Introduce yourself to residents you pass on the tour. Ask them how long theyโ€™ve lived there and how they like it.
Ask current residents what they like and donโ€™t like about the community.
Pay attention to the appearance of current residents. Do they seem cared for and wellgroomed?


Residents or Manila travel out of town to head north to Pampanga to relax, unwind and spend a few nights in the new hotel rooms situated right on the lake of Clearwater Resort in Clark Airbase. Many visitors and tourists enjoy the feeling of waking up by the lake. The sunrise produces a spectacular sight with the sunlight reflection on the calm surface of the three-hectare fresh water lake of this famous resort in Clark.

The safest getaway destination vacation spot near Manila convenient safe and accessible is Clearwater Beach Resort in Clark Pampanga, great for family bonding, hang out to unwind and relax near lake and trees, camping too.

When in Clark, make plans to relax and enjoy an evening at The London Pub located in Mimosa Leisure Estate of Clark Freeport Zone. This is where all the local executives, local and foreign tourists gather after a full day of fun or work.

This web site contains articles and information that will be helpful to visitors, residents and tourists traveling out of town from Manila on a short getaway to Subic, Angeles City, Pampanga and Clark Philippines. There are several web sites that contain information that might also be pertinent to what is happening in North Luzon.

For assistance with organizing and planning weddings and garden receptions, log on to

For assistance with lodgings, accommodations, hotels and resorts near Manila in Subic, Pampanga, Angels City and Clark Philippines log on to

While in Clark, one might as well add to the itinerary a visit to the famous Clark Wine Center, the largest wine shop in Philippines which offers over 2000 selections of fine vintage wine from all wine regions, vintages spanning over 50 years covering all price ranges.

If this article about Clark is useful to you, please click here to contact us to tell us what more you wish to know about this article or Clark Philippines, which can be something about Clark investment, about Clark resorts, about Clark Swimming and Leisure or simply general news about Clark.

Please send questions to Leave your name, email address, contact numbers and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Information received will not be disclosed.

Monday, May 2, 2011 Retirement in Clark




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